Feb 3, 2010

Day 3? 4?

wow, so much has happened so fast. I allready feel like ive lived here for at least a couple of weeks. Time here seems to move so slowly, maybe because there is very limited internet and no tv (i unplugged it).

Yesterday i got my musuem pass, which is good for all of the big musuems here unlimited times. All 26 of them! So, of course, i had to go visit the Uffizi. Since i will be able to go there every day if i wish, i wanted to take a different appoach to viewing that art: i wanted to look at the art while ignoring who the artist is. So, i walked through every room of the entire place (took about 2 hours) just stopping to look at the art that caught my eye. And to be honest, there was really only one piece that struck me (turns out it was a Lippi that is among the most famous there). This is the one:

So i was a little bummed, but right before i left i grabbed a map to see who painted this one. Too my shock there were names like Da Vinci, michelangelo, and Bachicheli on the map.  So, i had to go look at them again to see why they didnt strike me. Well, turns out, out of the entire Uffizi i missed one room, the room with all to the most famous art of the Uffizi, which were these:

This was my favorite part of the day. Afterwards a whole bunch of us went to whats called the "frat house" which is the largest apartment that has 11 guys living in it. i guess its going to be the meeting place and center point of the trip. We had alot of fun there, and i met a bunch of people. some really cool, some not so cool, but no one horrible.

Today, however, was a very different day. I woke and had to be at class by 8 in the morning. Me and my roomate (his name is Dakota, for the record) tried not using the heater at night...that was a mistake. We woke up this morning and the whole place was actually COLDER than it was outside. And it was 34 degrees F outside. This was followed by an attempted shower, which didnt go so well. We have this really dinky shower than doesnt drain fast enough, so we cant take longer than a 9 min shower. Like showers back home, it likes to change temperature randomly, except UNLIKE back home, instead of changing a little bit for a little while every once in a while, this one flucuates constantly and too huge degrees. Cold, hot, warm, burning... Its safe to say im not going to get any peace in my shower. After the shower i rushed of to my first class, Philosophy 244 (moral delimas) and it was an entire class that was directed towards non-philosophers minds. Explaining really basic stuff that i learned in highschool, yet they were great questions raised. However, i didnt really want to dive into the deeper levels of "freedom from vs freedom of" and the symbolism in the Wizard of Oz, and im pretty sure he didnt want to go there either. Needless to say, it was really boring. The good news is that it should be pretty easy.

This weekend is going to be absolutely crazy. There is a trip to Pisa friday for 8 euro, and a soccer game sunday that i want to go to. Then there is the superbowl (its going to be a big party). Along with this some girls i met asked if i was interested in going to Venice for the weekend (apparently they want a guy to go with them). So any thoughts? is it worth not sleeping at all? i was thinking it might be.

Love you guys, thanks for reading :)


  1. Fra Phillipo Lippi...and the painting we all liked the best in 1983...we called it "Lippi's Lady" and there is a very cool story about this lovely model/nun...
    How does Michaelangelo manage to paint weight...I think sculpture lent him the ability to paint this way...really amazing. OK, I'll stop before I sound like Sister Wendy!
    Hi Dakota!
    Pisa is sort of boring I've heard. If you plan on going to the Italian Riviera to see my friend, John, you can stop in Pisa en route. Unless you want the time with others...don't go just to see a tower.
    Girls wanting a guy to go along...hmm...now that sounds interesting. They may get more comfortable travelling alone fast, so I say grab this opportunity! You can sleep on the train. There are many soccer games...and the Superbowl is getting taped.
    Easy classes in Italy are not a prob! I suspect it will not stay this boring: Machavelli is NOT boring!
    Cool...all very cool Trent, except the shower...is there a bathtub?

    Ciao bella!

  2. I love the art! That's why I want to go to Italy--to study and do art.

    Your philosophy class sounds like Courslie AP topics. They just ruined the Wizard of Oz for the juniors last semester.

    Venice is supposed to be spectacular. I'm very jealous! Have a blast!

    By the way, you better be taking millions of pictures! :]

  3. Hi Buddy,
    My little dudele all grown up. I already wrote a comment but I guess I did something wrong as I don't see it. I love the art, and agree with mom an easy class isn't all bad, I bet it will get more interesting as it progresses. I am enjoying the way you right, I look forward to reading these blogs. The trip with the girls to Venice sounds like the thing to do, it sounds like the most Italian. I agree with Mom there will be more soccer games. Keep writing when you have time, I LOVE reading what's going on.
    I love, love, love you Dad.

  4. I'd like to think I know the difference between right and write but upon reading my comment maybe not. Sleep well and I think it's a good idea to keep the TV unplugged. I miss you, I miss you alot.
    Love, love, love, Dad.

  5. Trenton,
    ENJOY!!!! JUDI


