Feb 20, 2010

Leather, leather, and more leather.

i finally found a jacket. i have been looking and i found this little hole in the wall leather place that was  really nice. Normally i avoid these kinda places because they put alot of pressure on you to buy, they push hard. Italians can be incredibly aggressive, almost like if you dont buy something from them your personally insulting them. But this place wasn't like that. It was totally genuine, in the most random location of the main street, close enough to be nice, but not so close that it stays in business just because of where it is. But the jackets here were incredible, 300-600 euro jackets, all handmade in italy. But the staff there was incredible as well, the main salesman is this little balding guy who im pretty sure is gay. this made for a really fun accent. i dont know how to describe it, just really fun. he is the nicest guy too. he helped me out, and showed me some of the jackets they had in the back. They were all a combination of jackets with minor damages, last sizes, too big of a sizes, ect. but i found one that right when i put it on it felt perfect! It is gorgeous, a dark dark brown with a fair amount of...whats the word he used? not damaged, but like, textured...in other words its not shiny. but not too "bikerish" either. almost like it had gold specs in it. He even liked it on me so much he kept on wanting me to try it on. 95 euro, and i love it. but obviously i couldnt buy it right then. it had been marked down that day, so he didnt really think it would stick around too long, he was going to try to hide it on one of the racks. so i stood around, wearing this jacket, talking to this gay italian. he was really interesting, born and raised in florence. Never wants to leave, he loves it here so much, we even talked to his parakeets that he has in the store, he did recommend i come back soon if i wanted it because it wouldnt last long, and he said he would try to save it for me. he also said that if i paid cash he would sell it for 90, so i walked out all excited about maybe buying this jacket in the next couple of days....

well i went into the shop next to it, and the people there were just so typical. boring. not nice. and the jackets werent as nice either. They kept on pushing me to pick one out, like their time was so valuable that i was just taking advantage of them. it was right then that i thought "why wouldnt i buy that jacket next door, its perfect, cheap enough, high quality, and the place is so amazing." i looked in my wallet and i had exactly 90 euro in cash, and that was it. the final sign that said "your stupid if you dont buy it" so i did. i went back, and he was surprised and delighted to see me, and i gave him the money and he gave me the jacket. he didnt even count the money, just put it in the register. Is this some kinda trick to make me think he trusts me? i kept on thinking i must be getting ripped off, but you could tell this jacket was nicer than the other ones. So i bought it, and i love it. ive been wearing it non stop for the past week, because its been sooo cold here. (i miss the sun).

Ohh, and the next day dakota (my roomate) wanted to go look at them, so i took him and he found another really nice one. a darker brown with more of a grey\silver undertone rather than gold. it looks better on him than mine would, but wouldnt look as good on me as mine does. Ive been stopping by there every now and then, and they have been giving me the heads up on when the sales come. the first day the shoes went on sale i bought so really fancy, very italian, leather dress shoes with leather soul. 40 euro. and then i also bought a belt there, that they measured for me and everything for 10 euro. i love this place, now when ever i walk by i wave, they wave, and its trully fantastic. ive never had that at home...

my shoes are going on sale tomorrow, should i buy some more casual dress shoes???


  1. Who cares about shoes when you have friends! Shoot photos that won't wear out with your friends and all the shoes in it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Peyton says...
    That sounds like a ton of fun, I wish I was there. I hope you are having fun.
    P.S. Oh, I miss you so much.

  4. Ha, I typed a word Peyton did not want, so I deleted the comment and posted the corrected one!


