Apr 30, 2010

I'm In Nice!

and its very nice :)

not alot to say acutally, we took a 7 hour train here and had a little trouble finding the hostel which is actually an incredibly fantastic place. Its much nicer than many hotels i have stayed in, the only downside is taht we have to share the room with two other people, although this really isnt much of an issue because they are both 20+ year old girls from the east coast.

We walked around the city a bit, and its nice. But the whole thing feels like a reality check...a big one. Its hard to point out the specific things that are so striking but it feels like i walked out of disney land and am suddenly in a normal society. Like, there are normal size cars, there are big buildings, people dress much more casual and there is a huge range in people.

i think there is a big part of me that just wants to make it through this trip as quickly as possible. I really couldn't care less how great it is. I think i am going through the motions a bit, because i went on this trip more based on principle than actual want. Although i am really excited about Paris.

we are spending all day tomorrow here, and then the next day we take of to Avignon :)

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